Dyspraxia & Apraxia of Speech in Children in Houston, TX

Navigating dyspraxia or apraxia of speech in children can be trying as a parent or caregiver. To reinforce your confidence as a primary caregiver and unlock your child’s full potential, look to Daisy Kids Care. We provide home-care dyspraxia therapies and treatment for apraxia in children in Houston, TX.

Child with apraxia or dyspraxia undergoing home-care therapy at Daisy Kids Care in Houston, TX

Definition of Apraxia

Apraxia is a neurological motor disorder that affects a child’s ability to coordinate the appropriate muscle movements in order to speak. Speech muscles rely on clear communication signals between the brain and mouth. For children with apraxia, this line of communication is compromised, hindering their ability to move their tongue or lips to form words and sounds.

Definition of Dyspraxia

Similar to apraxia, dyspraxia is a neurological condition defined by an inability to carry out certain voluntary movements. However, in contrast, dyspraxia in children does not solely affect speech. Dyspraxia is a more widespread motor planning disorder that causes challenges with coordination, movement, and learning difficulties.

Signs of Apraxia

The signs and symptoms of apraxia vary. Some of the most common indicators of this speech disorder include:

  • Challenges with pronunciation and proper word sounds
  • Inconsistent errors when saying the same word
  • Emphasizing the wrong word or syllable
  • Delayed speech
  • Fine motor skill difficulties
  • Trouble with reading, writing, or spelling

Signs of Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia in children is typically identified when a child falls behind on developmental milestones. Common dyspraxia symptoms in children include:

  • Poor coordination and balance
  • Fine motor skill difficulties, including holding or transferring objects between hands
  • Gross motor skill challenges, such as walking, running, or jumping
  • Trouble with organizing, planning, or executing thoughts and tasks
  • Speech challenges

Overlapping Features

Apraxia and dyspraxia share some similarities in terms of features. Both apraxia and dyspraxia are linked to poor motor control and coordination. A child with dyspraxia may experience trouble speaking as a result of improper coordination and vice versa. This can make it challenging to distinguish the symptoms of both conditions without a professional diagnosis.

What Causes Apraxia of Speech in Children?

Apraxia is believed to be linked to certain genetic factors and neurological development. However, the primary cause of this condition has not yet been identified. The same is true for dyspraxia. While dyspraxia is thought to be associated with neural pathway development, there is no set cause behind the condition.

Risk Factors

Apraxia and dyspraxia are quite complex as we have not yet discovered the underlying cause of these conditions. However, research suggests that there are certain risks that increase the likelihood of these motor planning disorders, including:

  • Family history of speech or motor skill disorders
  • Babies born prematurely
  • Prenatal complications
  • Complications during birth

Treatment and Management

Early diagnosis is the key to effectively managing and improving motor planning disorders. At Daisy Kids Care, both dyspraxia and apraxia treatment involve individualized therapeutic interventions. Based on your child’s specific needs, we may recommend speech, occupational, and/or physical therapy in conjunction with resources and support for parents and caregivers to reinforce your child’s treatment efforts.

Living With Apraxia and Dyspraxia

At Daisy Kids Care, we recognize the overwhelming task of navigating apraxia or dyspraxia in children. Offering top-rated care, our compassionate team is here to help. With tailored therapies, hands-on guidance, and unwavering support, our programs encourage tangible motor skill development and greater confidence for your child.

Learn More About Treatment for Dyspraxia and Apraxia in Children

If you suspect your child may be navigating dyspraxia or apraxia of speech, you’ve come to the right place. Discover the highest standards of pediatric care with Daisy Kids Care’s therapists in Houston, TX. To learn more or schedule a consultation, contact us today.

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  • One-On-One Patient Care
  • Locally Family Owned & Operated
  • Ongoing Quality Monitoring & Improvement