Reduce Anxiety with Child Therapy in Houston, Texas

Seeing your child struggle with anxiety is heart-wrenching. Anxiety isn’t just about being overly worried or shy. For children, it can be a heavy burden that impacts their enjoyment of life and ability to succeed in various settings. At Daisy Kids Care, we understand how crucial it is to address anxiety in children early on. That’s why we offer specialized treatment for childhood anxiety in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to help your child feel safe, secure, and happy.

Child undergoing therapy for anxiety at Daisy Kids Care in Houston, TX

Understanding Anxiety Symptoms

Feeling anxious from time to time is a normal part of life. Nonetheless, when anxiety becomes overwhelming and persistent, it might be time to explore what’s really going on. Below, we’ll dive into various types of anxiety disorders and their symptoms to help you recognize the signs and seek the support you need.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder often find themselves worrying excessively about daily activities and events, even when there’s no apparent reason to do so. Symptoms can include:

  • Continuous and excessive worry: Feeling on edge and anticipating disaster in everyday tasks.
  • Restlessness: Struggling to relax and constantly feeling keyed up.
  • Fatigue: Feeling tired easily, often due to the mental strain of worrying.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Sticking to one task can become challenging.
  • Irritability: Getting easily annoyed or frustrated.
  • Muscle tension: Experiencing tightness or aching, especially in the neck and shoulders.

Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety isn’t just shyness. It involves an intense fear of social interactions and being judged or embarrassed. This can lead to avoiding social situations altogether. Common symptoms include:

  • Fear of being scrutinized: Worrying about being watched or judged by others.
  • Avoidance: Steering clear of social gatherings or public places.
  • Physical symptoms: Sweating, trembling, or blushing when faced with social situations.
  • Self-consciousness: Feeling highly aware of oneself in a social context.

Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety is often associated with children, but adults can experience it too. It involves extreme distress when being away from loved ones, resulting in clinginess and fear of being alone. Symptoms to look out for:

  • Excessive worry about losing loved ones: Constantly fearing for their safety.
  • Refusal to be alone: Sticking close to those they are attached to.
  • Nightmares about separation: Disturbing dreams that center around losing the caregiver.
  • Physical complaints: Stomachaches or headaches when separation is anticipated.


Phobias are intense, irrational fears about specific objects or situations. Unlike general anxiety, phobias are tied to something specific, such as:

  • Heights: Feeling dizzy or panicked when looking down from a high place.
  • Animals: Extreme fear of animals like spiders, dogs, or snakes.
  • The dark: Feeling terrified in dark environments.
  • Flying: Avoiding air travel due to fear of flying.

Panic Disorder

Sudden episodes of intense fear and discomfort characterize panic disorder. These can be quite terrifying and may feel like one is losing control. Symptoms include:

  • Racing heart: Feeling like the heart is pounding out of the chest.
  • Sweating: Breaking out into a sweat, often suddenly.
  • Shortness of breath: Struggling to breathe normally.
  • Chest pain: Experiencing discomfort or tightness in the chest.
  • Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or faint.

Therapies That Can Help My Child’s Anxiety

Different therapies work for different children. At Daisy Kids Care, we provide a variety of options to address your child’s specific anxiety needs:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Child Anxiety: CBT teaches children how to manage their anxiety by changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. This therapy equips them with coping skills that they can use throughout their lives.
  • Play Therapy: Through play, children can express their feelings and work through their anxieties in a safe, supportive environment. It makes therapy less intimidating and more effective for younger children.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: These techniques help children learn how to calm their minds and bodies, reducing their anxiety levels. Regular practice can lead to long-term benefits in their emotional wellbeing.
  • Family Therapy: Involving the family in therapy can provide a supportive, understanding environment that fosters the child’s progress. The whole family’s participation strengthens relationships and creates a united front against anxiety.

Benefits of Therapy for Children with Anxiety

Children’s therapy can bring about profound changes for children struggling with anxiety. Your child can learn to manage their anxiety better, leading to a more relaxed and enjoyable life. Consistent therapy sessions can also decrease the frequency and intensity of anxiety episodes. Children learn to understand and manage their emotions more effectively. This not only improves their mental well-being but also helps them in social interactions and academic settings.

Take the First Step Towards Alleviating Your Child’s Anxiety

Your child’s well-being takes center stage here. At Daisy Kids Care, compassionate and effective child therapy for anxiety is our specialty. Reach out to us today to learn more about our cognitive behavioral therapy for child anxiety and other treatment options.

Why Choose Us?

  • No Wait Lists
  • Comprehensive Care
  • Fast & Easy Transitions
  • One-On-One Patient Care
  • Locally Family Owned & Operated
  • Ongoing Quality Monitoring & Improvement